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Empowering the Feminine Soul

Welcome to SoulyHer, the premier coaching and professional development resource for women. At SoulyHer, we provide you with the tools and support to become your most authentic self. Our soul-led coaching philosophy empowers you to discover your inner strengths and overcome challenges, both in your professional and personal life, to align your values to your purpose.

We do this through community events, coaching,

leadership training, and self-discovery workshops.


how we empower the feminine soul

Interested and want to learn more?

Founder and Coach

Chelsea De Jesus, MPA

Chelsea has been providing soul-led coaching and facilitation services to organizations and women across the country. She has a wealth of experience, and her track record speaks for itself. Whether you're looking to hone your business development skills, increase your self-awareness or become a better leader, Chelsea is here to help. As the lead coach of SoulyHer she offers and facilitates professional development courses, leadership empowerment classes, one-on-one coaching, and customized workshops and training. 

the founder of soulyher photo

Client Testimonials

"Going into this program [Becoming SoulyYOU], I was very lost in who I was. I always had a pretty good inkling of myself but I never sat and took the time to truly dip into me, Amanda. After this program, I have a deeper sense of empathy for myself. I have learned to give myself grace, through all aspects. But I think most importantly, I learned how to love me. A part of me that I didn't know was missing or unattended to for the longest. So I thank you Chelsea for taking the time to curate this program and for sharing your craft with the world. You have drastically helped me become a better me that I didn't know was even there."

Amanda, CT

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